Christian Evangelism -

Sharing our experiences in witnessing to others about Jesus Christ daily, as well as going out to street witness. We educate and train God's people in the principles of Biblical Evangelism, encouraging them to faithfully fulfill the Great Commission.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

SWAT TEAM Springfield, MO Witnessing- 4/21/06

Street Witnessing And Training
Taking Evangelism Across Missouri
Friday Night - 4/21/06 -- Park Central Square –
Downtown Springfield, Missouri

The following report is given by GNN Seed Sower, Michael Borich.

Danika and I met near the fountain at Park Central Square a little after 8 pm. Because of the pleasant weather, there was a lot of activity in the downtown area. After Danika led us in prayer, we took a tour of the downtown area, including the bus stop and passed out mostly million dollar bills.

We had a lengthy conversation with two teenage girls – Amber and Tatiana – who we took through the
good person test. Both admitted to lying and breaking the first commandment, but didn't think they had ever stolen, blasphemed or lusted. Nevertheless, both were not sure if they would be innocent or guilty before God, or would go to heaven or hell. We explained the good news and gave them each a stuffed animal.

On our second tour, we met Kyle and Dallas, two teenage boys who admitted to lying, stealing, blaspheming and lusting; Kyle said he was baptized and repented and even quoted us John 3:16. Dallas was afraid he was headed for hell. We asked Kyle why he had not shared the good news with his friend. Kyle seem to be Christianized – at least he said the right words, but didn't seem to have much conviction. We gave both of them the detailed
Are You Good Enough tract.

Then we met Chris, CJ and Sandy – three of six BBC students who were handing out tracts and bottled water from an ice cooler. Chris admitted to taking Brad's CD on a previous encounter
(Hell’s Best Kept Secret), but said he hadn't time to listen to it yet. While we were talking to them and explaining the Way of the Master and showing them some of our tracts, a young woman named Maya came up for water.

We invited Maya to take the good person test for a stuffed animal, which she did. It was a perfect opportunity to show the 3 BBC students how we witness. Maya didn't do too well on the 10 Commandments, but when we got to the last couple questions, she said she had asked Jesus into her heart and was trusting him. We made her explain, for everyone's benefit, if she understood what repentance meant – she had a somewhat vague understanding so we helped her out.


In Christ,

Brad St. Clair
Are you good enough to go to heaven? Take the test at:

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Good Friday SWAT TEAM Springfield, MO Witnessing- 4/14/06

Street Witnessing And Training
Taking Evangelism Across Missouri

“Good Friday” Night - 4/14/06 -- Park Central Square –
Downtown Springfield, Missouri

It was a very nice night. The weather was warm and breezy, a beautiful night to be out. We had 8 of us out tonight. Luke Lohn, J.J. Lindsey, Danika, me, my wife, Leann and three our kids, Nick, Dillon and Alexis. Even though it was a nice night, there weren’t very many people downtown. I want to take time to thank God for one of my Christian brothers who purchased a rechargeable battery pack for our Minivox PB-25 pa speaker system. Thank you brother! I am blessed by having a group of Christians around me that have a compassion to seek and save the lost, as well as knowing I can rely on them if I need anything.

Since it is “Good Friday”, one of our team members, Michael Borich, created an Easter tract that we passed out tonight. On one side there is the picture (below), then there is a gospel message on the other side. I thank God for you, Michael! We had Easter chocolates that we passed out with each tract.

When we arrived, Luke and J.J. were already there. They had been hanging out at the square and had already witnessed to an intoxicated gentleman.

After arriving, J.J. and I walked up to two teenagers, Ricky and Mike, who were sitting next to the water fountain. I gave them the Easter tract and candy. I asked if they had a Christian background. Ricky had been to church in the past, and Mike said yes. I asked if they considered themselves to be a good person. Ricky said yes, Mike said no. I asked if they would like to take the “
Good Person Test” to find out for sure. They said yes.

They admitted to being a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adultery-at-heart, that they would be guilty of breaking God’s Law on the Day of Judgment, and if they died right now they would go to hell. They said it did concern them. I explained that Jesus said, “except a man be born-again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”. Then we talked about what needs to be done to be born-again. Repent (not only be sorry and confess your sins to God, but turn from them) and Believe (trust) in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Luke had went over and was talking to another man in the square and began witnessing to him. Luke ended up getting his telephone number. The man said he would go to church with him on Easter Sunday.

We split up into groups. J.J., Leann, Nick and Dillon went one direction and Luke, Alexis and I walked towards the Springfield bus station. I am still waiting for an answer from the City of Springfield regarding their order to not go onto their property to pass out gospel tracts, witness to people, etc. I’ve been notified that they forwarded my e-mail to their legal department to review and respond. I will keep you informed. If this is public property, it is legal to pass out tracts, etc. on bus station property.

Anyway, we walked to the edge of the bus station property and asked a couple people if they wanted some Easter candy. A gentleman came over from the bus station and got the candy and the Easter tract for him and his wife. He said, “thank you”.

While walking around, we saw a Christian gentleman and his family (all adult) that we met last week…Mike, Connie, Kristina and Natalie, I believe their names are. They have been coming out on Friday nights to the downtown area to witness for a few years.

Leann said their group walked up to security guards and began talking to them. One of them seen the million dollar bill gospel tract and said that he doesn’t have that one, but he did get the big $100 bill tract from a guy the other night that was from a group out of Branson (our group). Leann gave them the million dollar bills this time.

Luke passed out an Easter tract to a really tall man who was intoxicated. He man looked at it, asked what church we attended, and we said we all go to different churches. He then patted Luke on the shoulder and told him, “I’ll be there tomorrow”. J Luke didn’t even tell him what church he attended. He said, “we all have to have something to believe in”, and handed the tract back to Luke. We decided not to continue the conversation.

Open-air preaching: We decided that instead of standing on the water fountain ledge to speak, we would go over to the raised platform in the square. The water fountain was going, making it kind of noisy.

One of our heckers, Josh (a self-declared pagan), was out tonight. I asked him, “Josh, are you going to be heckling me tonight?” He said, “No, you guys are okay.” He mentioned how that last week another street preacher was out and he did heckle him, however. We’ve been talking a lot with Josh. We are praying for him.

I had the Minivox PB-25 portable PA system. I turned it on and started talking. We were giving away chocolate Easter rabbits and large plastic Easter eggs filled with chocolate as the prizes to the trivia questions we were asking. We drew some people over to listen. Within earshot of the speaker, there were about 70 people total that was able to hear. There was a guy in the middle of the open-air that said, “hey, you need to turn that off, there is the police over there, and you’ll get into trouble. They told a guy earlier to turn their loudspeaker off”. First, I have been out here for about 4 weeks now using the speaker, and the police have never said anything to me about it being illegal. Second, another police car drove right by last night where we were speaking and said nothing. I believe this guy might have been trying to get me to turn off the speaker so they didn’t have to listen. I heard others back there saying something about it before he said that to me.

Here is the outline I used for the open-air, as well as the trivia questions I asked:

Origins of Easter-How it relates to Christianity

What religion is the pope? Catholic
The bunny as an Easter symbol was introduced to American folklore by which country? Germany
Origin of the Easter Rabbit/Bunny
The Easter Bunny is not a modern invention
The pagan goddess, Eastre, was worshipped by the Anglo-Saxons through her earthly symbol, the rabbit
The rabbit was the most fertile animals known, and they served as symbols of the new life during the Spring season
The bunny as an Easter symbol was introduced to American folklore by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s
The first edible Easter bunnies were made in Germany during the early 1800s
The Easter bunny was not widely celebrated in America until after the Civil War

What did Western Union deliver in the old days? Telegrams
What’s another name for a football? Pigskin
Long before its association with Easter, the Easter Egg was a symbol of what? Rebirth
Orgin of the Easter EggExchanging Easter eggs with one another is a custom that goes back thousands of years.
Long before its association with Easter, the egg was a symbol of rebirth.
Many ancient cultures used the egg to symbolize both rebirth and the universe. Ancient peoples such as the Persians, the Egyptians, the Chinese, and the Romans all used the egg in their springtime celebrations.

Easter falls on what day every year? Sunday
The Date of Easter
Easter Sunday falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 20th
Easter Sunday in the West can fall on any date from March 23rd to April 26th

How many curves are there in the standard paper clip? 3
How Did Christianity Become Part of the Easter Celebrations?
The ancient Saxons celebrated the return of Spring by worshipping their goddess, Eastre
Second-Century Christian missionaries encountered the tribes and were able to convert them to Christianity
However, it would have been suicide for the early Christian converts to celebrate their holy days with observances that did not coincide with celebrations that already existed
So, to save lives, the missionaries decided to spread their Christian message slowly throughout the populations by allowing them to continue to celebrate pagan feasts, but to do so in a Christian manner
It so happened, that the pagan festival occurred the same time of year as the Christian observance of the Resurrection of Christ
It made sense to alter the festival itself, to make it a Christian celebration as converts were slowly won over
The early name, Eastre, was eventually changed to its modern spelling, Easter
Later, the exchanging of colored eggs became incorporated in the memorial celebration of Jesus' resurrection.
These Easter eggs were colored and given as tokens to remind Christians of the tomb and Jesus' triumphant victory over death.

What is today called in regards to Easter? Good Friday
Good Friday is a reminder of Jesus’ death on the cross
The origin of the word “good” has been lost. Some claim that it is a corruption of “God” and that the early Christians called this day “God’s Friday”.
In parts of Europe, the day is not called “Good,” but “Great” or “Holy” Friday

Have you ever heard that the gospel(the reason Jesus died and was raised again), is Good News? Have you ever wondered why it was good news? I’ll show you

To illustrate why Jesus died on the cross and was raised from the dead, I will need a volunteer. You will get $5.00 for volunteering. John volunteered. We asked him if he kept the Ten Commandments. He admitted to be a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adultery-at-heart. That he would be guilty before God and on his way to hell. It did concern him. We then went through how to be saved…born-again. Jesus dying on the cross and raising from the dead is “good news” indeed to someone that is on their way to hell. We broke God’s Law and Jesus paid our fine. We need to repent (ask for forgiveness and turn from sin) and believe (trust) in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. I gave John the $5.00 and thanked him, as well as the folks listening.

Just like John took the $5.00 I offered him, we must take hold of what Jesus did for us on the cross. We can’t just “believe” in Jesus. The Bible says that “even the demons believe, and tremble”. We must repent and believe, turn our lives over to Christ and live for Him. We must do as the Bible says, “put on the Lord Jesus Christ” and “pick up your cross daily and follow Me”. God will give you a clean heart and the power to live for Him.

Lord, thank you for bringing people into our paths tonight to speak to. Thank you for convicting their hearts and continuing to do so. We do this in Your name, Jesus. Amen.

In Christ,

Brad St. Clair

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

SWAT TEAM Springfield, MO Witnessing- 4/07/06

Street Witnessing And Training
Taking Evangelism Across Missouri

Friday Night - 4/07/06 -- Park Central Square –
Downtown Springfield, Missouri

We had a very interesting time out witnessing Friday night in downtown Springfield, Missouri. There were 31 people out with our group. We had GNN Local Leader, Teresa Stevens from Joplin come over, GNN Seed Sowers David Lohn and Michael Borich, a couple of David's teenage sons – Luke and Nathanel - and two pastors that I met with a while back, Pastor Ron Burks and Pastor Gene Baker, their families, Glen Comstock and others that I cannot remember their names. (Sorry). These two pastors brought approx. 20 people with their group alone!! Praise God. It wasn't planned, but my friend and the Youth Pastor of our church came out, Brent Robison, as well as his wife, Marla Robison and their two kids. They were able to come out and see what happens when we get together to street witness and open-air preach.

During my open air preaching, I originally chose this teenager. He is from Germany. He refused to admit he was a liar. We moved on to see if he was a thief. He said no. I pressed him in his answer. He finally just turned around and walked away. We had to get another person to go through the
Good Person Test. We went through the test and finished up. (as soon as I got to the lust question and mentioned Jesus, one of the guys that was up front turned and walked away quickly). I finished taking Lindsey through the 10 Commandments and ended pretty quickly due to the girl below.

One girl was upset and wanted to argue with me. She thought I was saying that we have to repent and never sin again. She was very confused and frustrated. Her friends tried pulling her away but I said it was okay, just let her talk. I said that to be born-again we are to repent of our sins, which means to not only be sorry for them, but to turn from sin. This doesn't mean that we will be perfect for the rest of our lives, but we will live for God and possibly fall into sin at times. If we do, we need to ask forgiveness.

David, Luke, Nathanel, John and I went walking around passing out tracts. A man I began talking to started off in all kinds of directions when I asked him if he was a liar. He reminded me of the WOTM episode where Kirk was talking to that guy and they fast forwarded the time and he never stopped talking. He talked about the bible says it was okay for slavery, it didn't mention the rights of women, etc. Finally I reminded him that he said I could ask him a few questions to see if he was a good person, and he agreed. Then his bus came and he had to leave before we finished. (we were off the bus property). He shook my hand and said he just wanted to see how committed I was by saying all of that.

This was written by Teresa Stevens: I spotted 3 young girls walking away from the square. I caught up with them. I offered them a million dollar bill gospel tract and asked them if they ever thought about what happens to after you die? We had a good talk. I took them through the law and grace. I could tell these girls were distracted. Jackie's mouth was stopped and I saw on her face contrition and wet eyes. Hannah was more distracted and I don't know how much she was hearing. These two girls were not familiar with much about the Bible. Then there was Abby. Abby started to ask questions (more like objections) and told me she was raised Catholic. She laughed at my answer to believing that the stories in the Bible were literally true. Please pray for Abby. Though she was interrupted by her cell phone buzzing several times she kept her focus on our conversation and didn't answer her phone! I gave them all "Are you good enough to get to Heaven." Tracts. I used the value of your eyes analogy and encouraged/warned them to make sure about their eternal salvation and they promised they would study to see if the things I was saying was true!

Michael and I went down the block and passed out tracts. We stopped one time on the way to talk to a guy and girl. Michael probably has more to tell about that.

When we went back to the square a young man (about 17) dressed in black with buckles, chain, and an upside down cross painted or tattooed at the corner of his right eye. I gave a million to Zack. He stopped! I told him that it had the million dollar question on it. He was willing to take the test. I went through the law. Zack said he would be guilty and it concerned him that he would likely end up in hell by that standard. When I explained the price Jesus paid for us by using WoTM illustrations, Zack was very contrite. He had moist eyes and it seemed he was trying to keep his conviction under control. Zack didn’t know how to respond to the idea of someone paying a price they didn’t owe even if it was their undeserved death as Jesus did.

He said he had accepted Jesus when he was 5 years old, but that someone had hurt him really bad and that was it for him. We used illustrations about what it is like to truly know Jesus. Analogies of before/after with driving, touching something hot, and a car with and without an engine to describe what it is like to be born-again. If you are you will KNOW IT beyond a shadow of a doubt. And I shared with him that if he did understand enough at 5 to be saved, then “did it make any sense that you would turn away from the One who paid the price you couldn’t pay just because someone” who was or claimed to be a Christian hurt you? He said no, it didn’t make any sense to turn away from the one who saved you because of someone else’s harm done.

As it seemed he was ready to accept Jesus I invited him to do so by saying, “What is going to keep you from doing so now?” He didn‘t have an answer but when I pressed some (I don‘t often do this) Zack said he had to think about it. I told him that I understood, but that I wanted to warn him that there was an enemy - satan - that would try to keep him from making this most important decision of his life. I encouraged/warned him that he couldn‘t guarantee how long he would live. I asked him if it made any sense. He said it did. Michael gave him a “Save yourself some pain“ and I gave him an “Are you good enough to get to Heaven” tract. We encouraged him to make the decision using the precious eyes analogy and told him that we were praying for him.
Pray for Zack, Hannah, Jackie, and Abby

This is from Pastor Ron Burks who went out with us:
"Pray for Micah, a young girl who said she is a gnostic but was once a Christian. I was able to show her from Romans 1 how she came to a point where she "chose" to reject the knowledge of God. She at least agreed to that. I also spoke with another young man who said he was "confused" about Christianity. He said he was saved at a young age but is not sure about his salvation any longer. He seemed very sincere. He was the tall kid with long hair making a lot of noise at some times. You probably saw him."

I heard from Michael that he and Teresa went to the bus station, the one we were ran off from last week. They were not noticed. I am in the middle of "negotiations" with the City Manger as to if the bus station is public property.

Here is what Michael wrote: After your open air, we headed out into the Friday nighters to pass out a variety of gospel tracts -- Big Money, million dollar bills, 10 commandment coins and Are You Good Enough To Go To Heaven. We met two MSU students. Teresa spoke with the young woman and had about a 15 minute conversation with her -- it appeared she went through the entire good news message. I spoke with the young man, an international student from Burkina Faso (west coast of Africa). He was Assemblies of God and a devout Christian, but he seemed so busy with his studies he had no time for fellowship, so I invited him to an International banquet on campus Tuesday that my wife is hosting.

We continued around the block -- so many people took gospel tracts. When we arrived at the bus station we probably passed out another 20 tracts. Teresa went through most of the good person test with an African American man who had to leave to catch his bus.

Just as we returned to the square we met a student at Hillcrest H.S. named Zach, who at the age of 5 made a semi-commitment to Jesus, but at that age, he had limited knowledge. He seemed a little fearful of what that meant to his life because he admitted he really wasn't living for the Lord. Teresa was very effective and loving with Zach, even inviting him to pray at that moment. He had tears in his eyes and his voice was so soft that the Holy Spirit seemed to be working on his heart. He did take some gospel materials, including Save Yourself Some Pain and said that he would very seriously consider everything we had talked about.

Then we spoke with another street evangelist, Mike and his family (3 women) for about 15 minutes, and he took Teresa's card and she he would check out GNN. He said that some of the young people at the square he spoke with wanted to do outdoor church at the square Fridays at 7 p.m.

Praise God for what He did tonight, and those he led us to speak to.

If you would like to come out and witness with us, we encourage you to do so.

In Christ,

Brad St. Clair

Monday, April 03, 2006

SWAT TEAM Springfield, MO Witnessing- 3/31/06

Street Witnessing And Training
Taking Evangelism Across Missouri

Friday Night - March 31, 2006
Park Central Square - Springfield, Missouri

This Friday night was fruitful. The bus station security told us we couldn't pass out gospel tracts any longer on their property and we had to leave, because they had "complaints" about us last Friday night. We also spoke to Christians, a pagan, pulled April Fool's Day jokes on people, passed out an April Fool's Day trivia gospel tract, and did open-air preaching two times at Park Central Square.

We had six committed people come out tonight. My son, Dillon came with me. GNN Seed Sower David Lohn and his two sons, Luke and Nathanel, as well as GNN Seed Sower Michael Borich. It was a much warmer night than usual, and that made for more people in the downtown area.

We paired off into two teams. David, Luke and Nathanel started off one direction and Michael, Dillon and I headed for the bus station. As soon as we arrived at the bus station and started passing out the April Fool's Day trivia gospel tract, the security officer came up and told us that she was instructed by higher ups that if we arrived, that we would have to stop passing out our tracts and leave the property. She said they had complaints last Friday night. If you read last Friday night's post, that is when a bus driver was loud with me and telling us to stop handing tracts out because it was blocking people from getting of the buses. We backed up and continued.

Last Friday night we also had a young man named David who prayed and repented and trusted in Christ....right at the bus station. We have been having very fruitful conversations with folks there. Satan would like nothing better than to put a stop to us going to this place. I asked her if it was a publicly owned bus station, and if so, I believe we have the right to be there. She told us we will need to call back and talk to the people who made the decision. I will be doing that and possibly contacting an attorney to see what they say. I will let you know what happens.

Michael and I walked around, passing out the April Fool's Day trivia gospel tract. One side had trivia questions about April Fool's Day and the other had a gospel message. Most people we offered a tract to accepted it.

After getting back to the square, we ran into Chris, David and Sally from West Division Baptist Church. They come out and hand out free water and witness to people. I met Chris at the Square one time before. He said he still has the "Hell's Best Kept Secret" cd I gave him, he just hasn't listened to it yet.

David, Luke and Nathanel arrived back from passing out tracts. They did something that was funny, something that David did once before. The three of them just stopped and began looking up at the sky. Finally, a few ladies that were walking by stopped and began looking at the sky to see what they were looking at. David said, "April Fool's Day!" ha - and handed them gospel tracts and they accepted them.

We had our Minivox PB-25 portable PA system. We placed it on the fountain wall and I stepped up to open air preach. Michael buys these cute little stuffed animals and we give them away as free prizes if someone answers a trivia question correctly. This normally gathers a crowd. After a crowd is gathered, we offer someone a couple stuffed animals if they can prove to me they are a good person. We had a volunteer tonight named Brian (nickname is Scooby). We took Brian through the Good Person Test, asking if he has ever lied, stolen, blasphemed or lusted. We are all guilty of breaking these 10 Commandments. Brian knew all the right answers and said that he is a Christian. I gave him the stuffed animals. There were probably 25 people in the entire area that heard the message.

After the open-air, I spoke to Brian. He was out with some friends, Rebecca and Ashley. They go to Solid Rock International church. We passed out some Hell's Best Kept Secret cd's and other tracts to the people after the open-air.

More people were arriving at the square, so we decided to do another open-air. David used his money and went to get change ($1.00 bills) and we used those as prizes to give out if they answered the trivia questions correctly. I stood up on the fountain wall and began announcing that we were giving away free money, all you have to do is answer the trivia questions correctly. We gave the money away and I asked for a volunteer who could prove to be a good person, then they would receive two stuffed animals. There were probably 50-60 people in the square that heard the law and the gospel presented.

A few people were volunteering, but I picked Barbara. I had noticed Barbara walking around the square earlier. She was cursing quite a bit and being loud. She had a couple of her daughters out with her (teenagers). I asked her, "Have you ever told a lie?" "Yes". "What does that make you?" "A liar". I mentioned to everyone that the Bible says that "all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire". "Have you ever stolen anything?" "Yes". "What does that make you?" "A stealer" "Only in Pittsburg" :-) "No, a thief". The Bible says that "no thief will enter into the kingdom of God".

"Have you ever used God's name in vain?" "Yes". The Bible says that that is called blasphemy, and that "the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain". What we do is take the name of the God who has given us everything we hold dear and drag His name through the mud. So, instead of using a four-letter filth word to express disgust, we use God's name. We don't even use Adolph Hitler or Saddam Hussein's name as a curse word, but we use God's name. "Have you ever looked with lust?" "Yes".

One of the 10 Commandments says, "Do not commit adultery", but Jesus went as far to say, "That whosoever looks at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." We will be judged on not only by our actions but by our thought life. During these questions, Barbara kept looking up at me, saying, "Are you going to tell me I am going to die?" I believe what she was meaning to ask me was, "Are you going to tell me that I am going to go to hell". She had a convicted and concerned look on her face. Also during this time, one of her teenage daughters kept saying to me, "have you ever told a lie, have you ever stolen anything?". It looked like she was just being protective of her mother. After it was over, I spoke with the daughter, Amber, and admitted I was guilty just like everyone else, but I have repented and asked forgiveness and am trusting Jesus as my Savior. She was no longer mad.

"So Barbara, by your own admission, you are a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer-at-heart and you have to stand before God on the Day of Judgment. We will all die one day. 10 out of 10 people die. 150, 000 people die everyday. If God were to judge you by that standard on the Day of Judgment, will you be innocent or guilty of breaking God's law?" She ran around the answer for a bit, but admitted, "Guilty". "Will you go to heaven or hell?" She said, "Heaven". Although she admitted to breaking God's Law, she still didn't quite see that she was guilty enough to go to hell. I think she knew it, but didn't want to admit it.
I explained how that we broke God's law and Jesus paid our fine. We could not pay our fine (debt to sin) in court and Jesus came up and paid the fine for us. If we will repent (ask forgiveness and turn from our sin) and trust in Christ as our Lord and Savior, we will be born-again.

After the open-air, I began speaking with people that came up to talk. I met some Central Bible College students that come out every Friday night to witness. I met Tom, Erika and Susan, Cherissa and Jocob. I gave out some "Not My Job" bookmark gospel tracts and a Hell's Best Kept Secret cd to Erika. Erika said that she just might have to take the microphone sometime and jump up and preach - Praise God.

After one of the open-air's, David went to talk to one of the young men who answered one of the trivia questions correctly. This man told David that he is a pagan, that it fit him more than serving God. David talked to him for awhile, explaining how that was idolatry and his believe was offensive to God. That he needed to repent and believe in Christ. I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to convict Josh's heart.

We went to "The Mudhouse", drank coffee, visited and discussed the evening of witnessing and what we would like to do in the future as far as witnessing and open-air preaching.

I thank God for those that came out with us tonight. Lord, we thank you for working in our lives and working in the lives of those that you brought into our paths this night.

In Christ,

Brad St. Clair - Are you a good person...take the test!