Christian Evangelism -

Sharing our experiences in witnessing to others about Jesus Christ daily, as well as going out to street witness. We educate and train God's people in the principles of Biblical Evangelism, encouraging them to faithfully fulfill the Great Commission.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

One-Day Evangelism Training - 10/15/05

Today, my wife and I taught a one-day Way of the Master Foundation Course class, which included all 8 episodes, plus discussion. This was held at our church, Tri-Lakes Center (former Mel Tillis theater), in Branson, Missouri. There were others that said they wanted to be there, but they had conflicting schedules. Throughout the day, there were between 4-9 people in training.

One of the young men that attended, his name is Will. He lives in Slidell, LA. He is here living with his mom until he heads back in a week or so. He is a boxer. His trainer witnessed to him using the Law (Ten Commandments) on him. That is how he became born-again. So, needless to say, this young man is fired-up!! He believes in this whole-heartedly.

After 6.50 hours of classroom training, it was time to put it into action. We hit the streets of historic downtown Branson. We passed out approx. 200 tracts and had probably 3-4 one-2-one conversations with people. It was a little tougher crowd than normal.

Will was passing out tracts and even had a short one-2-one with someone. He said this is exactly the training he needed, to let him see what it is like. He is going to start this when he gets back to Slidell, LA.

Chastity, one of the ladies that went out, passed out tracts and had a good experience since this was her first time as well. Will's mom, Julie, even went out with us and passed out tracts and was doing one-2-one's. I think she only seen the WOTM show on TV, plus attended a couple of my Way of the Master classes on Wednesday nights.

All it takes is one true believer to be fired up for soul-winning, and God can use them in an awesome way. I want to thank God for their dedication and commitment for spending their entire Saturday learning to effectively witness to someone, as well as going out and getting “hands on” experience.

Praise God.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Evangelism Training at Church - Week 8

Tonight was the last lesson of the Way of the Master Foundation Course - Idolatry - The Darling Sin of Humanity. We had 69 people there (still lower in numbers the past couple of weeks from the high being 139 to a low of 65, I believe). This was a really good lesson to finish up the course with.

I discussed that there is no mention of a "gift of evangelism" in the Bible. The closest is Ephesians 4:11-12, which says, "It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up."

That isn't referring to being a witness for Christ to unbelievers. And that it is every Christian's obligation to follow the commands of Jesus to preach the gospel to every creature.

I said that I was going to challenge the Christians now, by saying:
As Christians, we can even create a god in our mind to go along with our Christian lifestyle, instead of the God of the Bible Are we creating a god in our minds that doesn’t make it a priority of sharing or faith with others? Are you doing what Jesus commanded you to do…to seek and save the lost, sharing your faith with others? Are you planting God’s Word in other people’s lives throughout your day?

Do you care that 150,000 people are dying each day, and the majority of them are going to hell and will burn for eternity? I believe you do. You are here at the church learning how to witness to others. I thank God for you.

God is calling Christians to seek and save the lost. We can answer the call, or we can muffle the sound of our conscience and go back to our lifestyle of “cozy, comfortable Christianity”.

It’s good to give money to missions because you may not be able to travel to another country to share your faith. However, just because you are giving money to missions, don’t think that is a reason you don’t have to share the gospel as Jesus commanded . You you can talk to your friends, family, co-workers and even complete strangers on the street about your faith

We finished up by reading a letter that a friend of mine wrote. His name is Tony Holland.

Counting the Costs in Evangelism
I can’t begin to count the number of Christians that I have talked to since I started sharing my faith with others. There have been different opinions on what should be said and how the Gospel should be presented, but there is always one common thread. Every Christian that I have talked to does believe that “someone” should be telling
the lost about Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, when that is compared to the number of Christians that I have spoke with that actually share their faith, I have seen a massive variance. Why do other Christians hesitate to share the Good News? It’s evident to me that most have counted the cost of evangelism and have decided that cost is to great. They choose to engage in other activities with a lower cost.

What does evangelism cost us? It can cost us our friends, as they may be uncomfortable or convicted by your service to the Lord. It may cost you your family for the same reasons. It will probably cost you money, as materials are not always free. It will most certainly cost you your pride, your coolness, and maybe even your name in the community or at work. Suddenly you will go from being “one of the guys/girls” to being referred to as one of those “Jesus Freaks”. No doubt that if you share your faith consistently you will be mocked, laughed at, spit
upon, rejected and cast out from worldly groups.

What a tremendous cost you may be thinking. You realize that it is important to share your faith, but not sure if it is worth all of this.

First, consider this. If you had $100.00 it would be valuable to you. You wouldn’t want to lose it or give it away….you may need it for something. On the other hand, if you gave it to a missionary in Africa would that money be more valuable in their hands? There would be no question that it would be much more valuable than if you had used it for yourself.

Just like the $100.00, our own “costs” are much more valuable when we give them to the Lord for His use. No one realized this better than Paul. In Philippians 1:12-14 Paul said, 12Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. 13As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. 14Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.

Paul’s costs were greater than most of us will ever face. Paul’s costs for preaching Christ were beatings, stoneings, and in this scripture passage, his freedom. Paul didn’t whine about how much these things cost him, he knew that the costs were better spent by the Lord. He knew that though his costs were great, that the gospel was being
furthered even by his suffering in prison.

Around 150,000 people leave this earth every day. How many do you think that are not saved? One fourth? Half? Even if it was just one what is it worth to you for that person not to have to spend eternity in Hell? Would it be worth even more if that person were a family member or a close friend? What costs are you willing to pay to save them?

The truth is this. As a Christian, we shouldn’t be considering the costs at all in evangelism. As children of God we aren’t to consider and ponder over our Father’s commands. We are to obey God’s word when we are told to “Go and preach the Gospel”. Paul continued to do that in the face of enormous costs, but he didn’t count them, he just did as his father told him. Do we do the same? Are we faithful each and every time that God calls us to speak?

I pray that we all stop counting the costs in sharing our faith and simply be obedient to the Lord.

We reminded the class that we go out into the streets of Branson to witness. We would like some of them to begin going out with us. We would be willing to train them further, etc.

We also mentioned the ongoing "Winning Evangelism" Sunday School class that we started up two weeks ago, implementing the Way of the Master training.

We had quite a few people come up and tell us how much they enjoyed and learned from the class. Some even said they would come out with us sometimes.

I had a Christian biker (tough guy) come up after service (just there visiting tonight). He and his wife travels all over the country, witnessing, etc. He said that if he had one of the 2% white, black and red patches, he would give me one. It is given only to those that go out and actively share their faith in Jesus (only 2% of Christians share their faith). He related it towards the 1% hardcore bikers that don't listen to man or their laws, or anything. They have a 1% patch, I guess. Tough crowd. He encouraged me.

The Foundation Course ended well. I think, with the Holy Spirit's prodding, that Christians were all convicted once again in their heart to go out and be a witness for Christ.
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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Became an Ordained Minister Today

As of October 9, 2005, I became an ordained minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God.

My wife and I have an evangelism ministry, “Repent And Turn Ministries”. I am doing what I can in Christ to fulfill this calling. A brother in Christ told me about a ministry,
United Christian Faith Ministries (UCFM) that is a Christian centered home based Church ministry using the internet as a worldwide Gospel tool in fulfilling our Gospel Commission.

I had a desire to be an ordained minister, but I didn't want one of those cheap "fly-by-night" internet ordinations that any person of any belief can get. I wanted one that has integrity, and that screens their applicants, as well as tests their motives and Biblical knowledge. I found it in this one.

This is how it all came about. I submitted an application for membership to the United Christian Faith Ministries Evangelistic Association, then was asked to take a series of three tests over topics in the Bible. After the membership was approved, I asked to be approved for ordination.

The regional leader for Missouri sent me two very indepth e-mail interviews, asking questions about the Bible and what I would do in this or that situation, would I give references if asked and that they would do an internet background check of me. After this, I was approved to take the Discipleship courses, which consist of 41 lessons. I printed and studied them, then took the tests online for each lesson. I ended up making a 97% overall score.

Today, I received a certificate stating the following:

“United Christian Faith Ministries Hereby Certifies
Brad W. St. Clair, Having demonstated the values of Christian faith and in recognition you are hereby ordained a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ with all the obligations, rights, and privileges thereof. Minister Credentials. This 09 day of October in the year of our Lord 2005. 601784 – Ordination Number. Fred L. Nech, Senior Pastor, United Christian Faith Ministries.”
If you go to, click "Verify A UCFM Member", type in the ordination number (601784) and click "Submit", and my information pulls up immediately. I have ordered my packet of Professional Certificates for official business, this will allow me to file with the courthouse to make it legal with the state to perform weddings, etc.

This is just one of my continuing educational pursuits in learning to be a more effective witness for Jesus Christ.

Here is a little more information about UCFM if you are interested:

UCFM provides Christian leadership, training, and inspiration to build and support Christians worldwide working together in partnerships as Ambassadors to our Lord Jesus.

Regional and Local leaders screen sincere applications for approval to UCFM membership.

They provide free ordination for qualified applicants who have achieved their basic training and educational criteria.

Ordination applicants must be in compliance with our high standards set forth in the terms and conditions of ordination, and are required to renew credentials on a yearly basis.
The UCFM statements of beliefs constitute our basic Christian beliefs.

We are a Christ-centered, Bible believing community who constantly renew our commitment to a deeper understanding of God and his will for and in the joy of salvation we worship God in Christian unity.
We believe in individual responsibility before God in each of our lives, thoughts and actions, understanding each others Christian views may differ slightly but all hold accountable to the basic essentials of Christian Doctrine. We believe in unity in essential doctrines and liberty in non-essential doctrines.
We seek growth through study of God’s Word, prayer, and guidance by the Holy Spirit. Having, great love and admiration for each other without respect for wealth, race, gender, age, social status, or doctrinal differences. We are therefore committed to seeking the will of God in our lives and faithfully dedicating our lives to the service of Jesus Christ.


The United Christian Faith Ministries (UCFM) is a non-denominational Christian association supporting each other in edification, fellowship, and worship of our Lord.

1. The United Christian Faith Ministries Evangelistic Association (EA) is an international association of Christians who fellowship to mutually assist each other in various ways from outreach and support, to using the Internet as an Evangelism tool.

2. It is our mission to qualify, equip, and recognize those seeking to fulfill their callings in Christian Ministry. To accomplish this mission the UCFM offers free online Biblical study courses and testing from independent websites covering many aspects of basic Christianity and ministry.

3. Worldwide Evangelism through partnership, building, planting, and strengthening of Christian cell communities to live in covenant as communities under the Lordship of Jesus, to make disciples of all nations and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.

God bless you.
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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Evangelism Training at Church - Week 7

Praise God.

Well, tonight we had 65 people, which is quite a bit lower in numbers than we've had. There was a Christian Concert going in the church,
Tri-Lakes Center (former Mel Tillis theater—we still have some shows in it sometimes), and people were out working it, etc. or thought we weren’t having class tonight.

We watched "
The Summary of Salvation". If you click on that link, you can watch the Way of the Master episode online. My wife taught the class this week. She did a great job. She told the folks that attended the class that we are not teaching this for your entertainment, but to teach evangelism and get a team together to go out with us on the streets of Branson. I pray we will get some committed Christians that will go out into the Branson, Missouri area and be a witness for Christ.

One young man from church, Josh, travels all over, and has been taking what he has been learning and using it to witness to just about everyone he comes into contact with. He is going to introduce this
Way of the Master evangelism training to a church in Indianapolis, IN next week. Josh is on fire for God and has a deep desire to seek and save the lost!! I told him about GNN, and how much he can learn about witnessing and evangelism by joining this ministry. It’s free.

The pastor,
Mark Shorey, got up and talked about how he is really enjoying this teaching and how we need to get out and speak to someone about Christ. He basically said, "stick with the plan"...referring to the WOTM method. Pastor Mark is a soul-winner!

He announced our new Sunday School class again to everyone that started last Sunday. It's called, "Winning Evangelism". We use the other episodes of Way of the Master and the
School of Biblical Evangelism to teach it.

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