Christian Evangelism -

Sharing our experiences in witnessing to others about Jesus Christ daily, as well as going out to street witness. We educate and train God's people in the principles of Biblical Evangelism, encouraging them to faithfully fulfill the Great Commission.

Friday, March 24, 2006

SWAT TEAM Springfield, MO Witnessing- 3/24/06

Street Witnessing And Training
Taking Evangelism Across Missouri

Friday Night - 3/24/06 -- Park Central Square - Downtown Springfield, Missouri

Even though it was a chilly night, and there were only two of us out witnessing for a less than two hours, God really moved! We both did open-air preaching (with our new portable sound system), one person prayed right out on the street and said he repented and is believing and trusting in Christ as his savior. We talked to the bus station security guard who is a LatterDay Saint LDS-Mormon), non-Christians and bible college students.

Here's a pic of Michael Borich and me

I arrived at 8:00pm and met up with GNN Seed Sower Michael Borich. A Christian brother purchased a Minivox PB-25 portable PA system for me to use in the ministry. What a blessing he is to me personally and the ministry. I thank God for you. If you are looking for amplification, this is one very loud little system. Michael and I tested using this in the square. It echoed all over the place. You could hear it 200-300 feet away, easily.

We started walking around and spoke to a man named Jim. We began taking him through the Law (10 Commandments), he knew all the right answers and knew that he had to repent and believe in Jesus Christ to get to heaven, and said that he has done this. However, he kept mentioning how "good" he was and all the good works that he has done, implying that his goodness would help him to get to heaven. We gave him a "
Save Yourself Some Pain" booklet and encouraged him to read it. Pray for Jim.

We walked to the bus station and began handing out the
giant $100 gospel tracts near the unloading bus. One of the bus drivers came over and told us to get away from the door and not to block the doorway. We backed up a little and kept handing them out. He griped at us and the security guard came to tell us we should back up. I mentioned that we were not blocking the door or slowing down traffic. The security guard's name is Harold. We began talking to him. He is a Morman, a Latter-Day Saint (LDS) missionary. We began taking him through the Law (10 Commandments) to show him how we witness to folks.

While we were talking, a young man named David walked up and wanted one of our giant $100 gospel tracts. I asked if he had a Christian background. He said that he did, and that his mom raised them in church. He knew the bible and began telling us how sin came into the world through Adam and Eve when Eve ate the fruit in the Garden of Eden, etc. and what Jesus did so that we didn't have to go to hell. He was even carrying a bible in his bag. I asked Harold if we can start over and begin asking David the same questions that I was asking him. He said yes.

I asked him if he thought he was a good person. Yes. Can I ask a few questions to see if that is true? Yes. We're going to use the 10 Commandments. Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever used God's name in vain? Have you ever looked with lust? He was very evasive in answering the questions. He did mention that there were a few things that he never has done...and mentioned them. He did say that he was a Christian and he had repented and was baptised when he was young. Michael had walked away to talk to another person and I continued talking with David and Harold. David said that everyone backslides. At the end of our talk, he asked if he could pray right then and repent and believe in Jesus. He said a prayer to himself, then I prayed for him. I handed him a "
Hell's Besk Kept Secret" and a "Save Yourself Some Pain" booklet. We shook hands and he left.

Harold is a LDS. He did like the gospel presentation using the law and some of the analogies we used. I am praying for Harold as well.
As I said earlier, Michael began talking with another girl. Here is his account of that conversation:
Keep Sara in your prayers. We went through the good person test for a stuffed animal. Sara has a church background, but admitted to being backslidden. She didn't do so hot on her answers, but I explained repent and trust in more detail, then gave her a copy of "Save Yourself Some Pain." She struggles with her life, has a troubled home situation. She's dropped out of school, can't find a job, seems to be without direction. I encouraged her to draw closer to the Lord and said that the booklet would help her if she took it seriously.

Michael and I walked around and went back to Park Central Square. I pulled out the new pa system and began to open-air preach. There was no one around...every now and then someone would walk by. Then, Michael jumped up on the water fountain wall and began to open-air preach. There were more people walking by when he began. A few stopped and listened for a couple of minutes. I thought he was going to have a heckler for a minute, because they were beginning to get disrespectful and then left before getting very loud.

We met two students from Central Bible College. Their name is Jamie and Antione. They come out with a group from CBC every Friday night from 9:00pm until midnight.

Above is a picture of Jamie, Antione and myself.
Here is Jamie, Antione and Michael
I thank God for bring people into our paths tonight. Even though we didn't stay out long, it was very fruitful. Please continue to pray for those we spoke to tonight, as well as David. He is the one that prayed and said he repented and trusted in Christ tonight. Praise God.
In Christ,
Brad St. Clair