Christian Evangelism -

Sharing our experiences in witnessing to others about Jesus Christ daily, as well as going out to street witness. We educate and train God's people in the principles of Biblical Evangelism, encouraging them to faithfully fulfill the Great Commission.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Branson SWAT TEAM Witnessing - 1/15/06

Street Witnessing And Training
Taking Evangelism Across Missouri

After church today, my family (excluding my wife who wasn't feeling well) went to McDonald's to eat luch. There is a girl at the counter we always see and give her a gospel tract (Emily). Today, I had by backpack with all the tracts, so I gave her a bunch of them. She thanked me.

As we were leaving, my daughter and I gave the giant $100 bills to just about everyone there, as well as to the worker's behind the counter. They were all happy to get one.

My daughter and I went to old historic downtown Branson, Missouri to pass out tracts and possibly have some one-2-one conversations with folks. It was a nice day, mid 60's, but there just wasn't many people out and about. We passed out the giant $100 bill gospel tracts to just about everyone we came into contact with, but no conversations today.

Many of the shops were closed due to the season being over for Branson. We may need to find another spot in Branson until the season picks up a little more in a couple of months.

In Christ,
Brad St. Clair - Are you good enough to go to heaven? Take the test.